Friday, November 30, 2018

Hello friends. It's been a while! How are you? I hope all is well!
Things have been good around here, albeit a bit different than the last time I posted.

As some of you may have heard, I had a baby! I know, crazy... Even crazier, that was two years ago! Two years and three weeks to be exact.

Which means I now have a two-year-old. A toddler. A "terrible two-er". That's right. J and I are guiding a little human through this wonderful life. And as you may see from the photo above, he is not so little! Born at 10 pounds and 5 ounces, he is now 36 pounds and three feet tall!

Another important piece of news is that our beloved Jupi has passed (five days after our son was born) and we have added two new felines to our family. Marmalade and Julep have been part of the team for a year now.

We are still in Chicago (six winters and counting!), and that about sums it up!

I begin this post while the little one naps, to get the ball rolling. I intend to rekindle my relationship with writing and blogging in the new year and didn't see a reason why I should wait for January first to do so.

I also wanted to announce that I am focusing my work with yoga and food in supporting new mothers in their transition into the postpartum life.

More to come on that in the next few months, but if you have any questions about it, please gimme a shout! E is shouting out from the crib now so I must go!

Looking forward to writing more soon!

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